Roxgold Health and Safety
Appian regards social, environmental and governance standards as crucial elements within all investment opportunities and portfolio companies
Portfolio Company ESG Performance
Health, safety, environmental, and community programs consistently remain the top priority of all Appian portfolio companies throughout the life of the investment. The long-term value creation that is core to Appian’s mandate is not one-sided but, is rather viewed as an opportunity to give back to local communities and the environment through the implementation of robust social programs and the adherence to Tier 1 environmental practices.
All of Appian’s portfolio companies have delivered significant benefits to the local communities and stakeholders. We are believers in strong partnerships with local communities, which has led to the implementation of numerous social programs, and knowledge and skill advancements for the local stakeholders.
Each of Appian’s existing portfolio companies maintains a comprehensive health, safety, environmental, and community program. Beyond providing nearly 7,000 direct employment and training opportunities to remote communities, and thousands more indirectly, Appian’s portfolio companies undertake a number of community initiatives, including but not limited to:
- Community infrastructure programs, including the construction of classrooms, health centres, and water wells
- Local recruitment and vocational training from surrounding communities
- Preferential procurement from local suppliers and contractors
- Funding to support community enterprise schemes and business opportunities