Ongoing environmental monitoring
Appian regards social, environmental and governance standards as crucial elements within all investment opportunities and portfolio companies
ESG Overview
Appian regards environmental, social and governance standards as crucial elements within all investment opportunities and is committed to working to ensure that all of its portfolio companies adhere to international best standards. Mining requires collaboration from all stakeholders to support the project development in return for the greater social and financial benefit that a mine can bring to isolated communities and governments.
As part of Appian’s 360° due diligence process, the team reviews both the social and environmental aspects associated with all potential investment opportunities. This process generally involves a comprehensive review of existing environmental liabilities, rehabilitation and closure plans, local legislation and permitting requirements, local communities and other operating mines in the region. The Appian team is keenly aware of the continuous need for the social license to operate and ensures all projects and investment opportunities evaluated have a well-established and long term workable social license.

Jobs created directly
~ 11,000
Jobs created indirectly
Investment in community
Women in workforce
Local employment
Local procurement
Principles for Responsible Investment
Appian has been accepted as a signatory to the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (the “Principles”).
The Principles are a set of internationally accepted guidelines, which ensure that all signees adhere to best-in-class responsible investment practices in relation to environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) issues.
Appian has been a member since founding and, in signing the Principles, we publicly commit to adopt and implement them, where consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities.
The six Principles are:
- Incorporation of ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes
- Be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into the ownership policies and practices
- Seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues from the entities in which we invest
- Promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry
- Work together to enhance the effectiveness in implementing the Principles
- Each report on activities and progress towards implementing the Principles
For further information about the Principles, please click here.