Mineração Vale Verde and Appian are pleased to announce the successful ramp-up during 2022 of the Serrote copper-gold mine and processing plant located in Alagoas, Brazil. Serrote is now operating at full production capacity.
Atlantic Nickel and Appian Capital Advisory LLP are pleased to announce record operating and financial performance in 2022 at the Company’s Santa Rita nickel sulphide mine located in Bahia, Brazil.
Atlantic Nickel and Appian are pleased to announce record operating and financial performance in 1H22 at the Company’s Santa Rita nickel sulphide mine in Bahia, Brazil.
Appian has served Sibanye-Stillwater with a Notice of Claim for the unlawful failure to close on the acquisition of Atlantic Nickel and Mineração Vale Verde resulting in a lost purchase consideration worth over US$1.2 billion
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